Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year!

Well, well... look who finally decided to be roused from slumber and join the world in celebration: 2012!

New Year's celebrations are an interesting animal... on one hand, measuring time with a quantitative system is such a meaningless and futile gesture. How is today any different than 3 days ago? What does the passage of time signify, when our actions dictate the pace of our lives?
BUT on the other hand, I will say that a reminder to reflect, appreciate, and re-evaluate is always welcome. And while it doesn't serve this purpose nearly as often as it should, the calendrated (it's a sweet word that I've just decided should exist, feel free to poach it) change of one year to another does perform this role. It's always a good excuse to reassess the magnitude of the gap between our current self and our potential self... that is to say, the desired life that we see ourselves leading.

And so, in brief (so brief it's more like a panty), my own reflections:
-2011 was awesome!
-I have a feeling 2012 will be even more awesome
-I resolve, now that I am less burdened by the constant downpour of academic work, that I will post more in this blog... because I enjoy it
-No matter what I or other people may rant about relentlessly, I look forward to another 365 days of consciousness. Seriously.

And so, out with the old us and in with the new us, the version that looks and smells the same but may have a little more silver in our lining.

To a year of being happier, healthier, faster, stronger, freer, friendlier, etc.!

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